Three Peat State Champions, 2007, 2008, 2009

Saturday, August 2, 2008

P18 Semi Final NWAL vs. Visby AIK

We faced the home team this morning in our semi final. We warmed up very well and I could tell the girls were well rested.

We came out hot. AD made a mad dash down the right side, crossed the ball and Sara was right there to finish. 1-0

Two minutes later Tayler took a corner kick pass and nailed a screamer into the goal. 2-0

5 minutes later, AD took another ball deep into the corner and crossed it to a waiting TW who one touched into the goal. 3-0.

We played possesion the rest of the first half and did a great job of minimizing turn overs.

The 2nd half goal was to keep possesion of the ball and make the other team work while we let the ball work for us.

AD was on. She pushed the outside run hard again, crossed it to a waiting Sydney who one touched it into the goal. 4-0
5 minutes later she did it again and TW was waiting again to one touch it in. 5-0

We put Emma G in at forward for the last 10 minutes and found her self in the right place to sink in the final goal of the game 6-0.

A very solid performance. This team was no slouch, like all the teams we played they were big and had some good skills and speed. So a worthy win.
The girls are in great spirits right now were taking it easy and going for luch in a few minutes. We play at 1 our time for the finals and should know the out come by the time you all are up and going.


Dave said...

Hurray!!! Great update. Woke up this morning and first thought was 'wonder how the team did'. Very glad they won in what sounds like a convincing fashion. So proud of everyone. Just got a call from Vicky and the girls are up 4-1 at halftime in the championship game. Very exciting, lots of folks cheering for the team!!!

Vicki Dougherty said...

Awesome girls! Way to go representing yourselves, your club and your country!! You should be proud! AD, i'm so happy to see that you are finally using all the great skills that I have taught you all these years.......
Luv U, Mom