Three Peat State Champions, 2007, 2008, 2009

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Djugarden Futbol Club

It was a rough day for everyone on Saturday. The jet lag had finally caught up to everyone including the parents. The simple things we are use to like, bottled water, gatorade and accessible fast foods are not available. So everyone was on edge. However, everyone got to bed at a decent time and we finally were done playing catch up.We broke camp this morning bright an early at 9 from our Pilsbo cabin site and headed to Stockholm.
We arrived at the Djugarden Futbol Club to find perhaps the most spectacular soccer facility that any of us had ever seen. The club itself is the oldest club in Sweden and was founded in 1895. The field was immaculate. Jay and I have not crossed paths tonight before I sent this so I wont have any pictures. But I know Jay is working on updating the picture web site so you will have a lot to look at.

The girls warmed up really well and I could tell the jet lag was finally behind us. As the other team made its way on to the field the other coach could tell they were going to be over matched. July is holiday season in Sweden so the team we played today was a mix of the next age group up as well as our age group. The coach said that this team had not spend much time together. As many of the other teams we played the players were big, physical and had very good individual technical skills.

Since the coach informed us before the game, I put a challenge out to the girls before this game. I told them they could not shoot inside the 18 area and had to string 10 passes together before any shot could be taken. Tayler took the opening kick off and went through the entire team directly to the goalie and remembered she could not shoot and passed back up the field. We then strung a series of passes together and scored within about 25 seconds. The girls then worked the ball around and did a really good job of playing possesion soccer. We then made a few mental mistakes and gave the other team a huge opening. Emma fought off the first shot but they got the rebound and tied the game 1-1. I still had not lifted any restrictions but as the girls told me they made a team decision to over ride my direction because they gave up a goal. They then rattled off 4 more goals in about 10 minutes. Tayler, AD, TW, Paige and Sara all put in goals the first half. I believe the half time score was 6-1. When we got to the bench I asked them why they disregarded my direction and they gave me the "team decision" story. I told them that team decision also cost them two miles tomorrow after the game. (I wont enforce it though, maybe a couple laps)
In the second half I told them it was possesion soccer only for the first 20 minutes, after that they could play how they wanted the last 10. I think the first 20 minutes of the half were the most enjoyable. It was amazing to watch them all pass the ball around and keep posssion. I think at times we strung 20 or more passes together several times. Multiple times it created gret openings where we had great scoring chances and they had to pull the ball back out and start over. I just wish they could realize that if the did this all the time they would create these openings a lot more. The game really helped us work on field tactics.
Any way the final score was 9-1. They watched the clock and when it got to the last 10 they went at it. Our speed has just been too much for these teams thus far.

After the game we had lunch with the other team in their club house. Amazing facilities. Keep watch for Jay's pictures. The girls really enjoyed being with the other team. They talked and traded stories. They did a email exchange, it was a great experience.

We then took a tour of Stockholm. What a great cultural experience. Jay took a ton of pictures. Words just cant describe. The tour began with a historic muesum visit, then a fairy ride to old town stockholm and ended at the presidential palace.

We then went to a pro soccer match. The club we played has a pro team and they provided us tickets and escort to the game. The team played another Swedish team which featured Hendrick Larson the highest goal scorer in Euoropean history. What a great experience. The experienced it all. They all watched and paid attential through the game it was outstanding. I've been to numerous pro and college venues and this really out did them. The costant crowd cheering the intensity from the fans really gets you going. The girls cheered, booed, etc it was a great deal of fun.

We then headed to our hotel, which is for no better words, a culture shock. I guess this is standard for hotels here. Small rooms, beds small than double beds and no air conditioning. WOW!!
WE did take a walk to Burger King and the girls really felt like they were back home. Also there is no ice here. The drinks are right out of the foutain and no ice. Thats everywhere.

We getting use to it though.

I have limited ability to reply to the responses you all are sending but keep sending them. I try to pass on what i can.

Thanks Doug


Cory Ward said...

Great Job girls. Keep up the great play! Don't get over confident for you'll play a team soon that will challenge you to the end, especially in the tournament!

Love you TW!