Three Peat State Champions, 2007, 2008, 2009

Thursday, July 31, 2008

P 18 Cup first round game vs. Enebybergs IF

The girls came out hot representing today. AD scored our first goal on an outside breakaway about 2 minutes into the game. 5 minutes later Paige caught a great cross from TW and finished the goal but it was called back as on off sides.

Paige did follow shortly after on a break away from half field and got the 2nd goal. Right before the half Sara took a through pass from Tayler and finished with the 3rd goal of the half to take a 3-0 lead.

We picked up right up right where we left off in the first. Goals were scored by Tayler, AD, Paige and Sara to cap the scoring 7-0.

A very solid solid game.

We got kind of a rude treatment last night as the other teams started to arrive and we returned from touring. Our gear was thrown all over the locker room and a few choice notes left on the bulletin board for us.

All of the teams are very physical here they do a great job of getting us off the ball. Individually most are very technically sound. There will be no doubt we will be coming home with some bruies.

We play our next game at 3 Sweden time or at 9 your time. I will follow up shortly after the game.


Dave said...

Be rude to our girls will they? Our girls will respond to that on the field with wins... Congratulations to the offense and defense on a game well played. Tell Sara Dad says 'Hello' and keep up the good play. Keep the updates/pictures coming, they are very much appreciated!!!

Cory Ward said...

Well, at least they had good reception from all the clubs until now. Congrats on the first game, now go kick some Swedish butt!