Three Peat State Champions, 2007, 2008, 2009

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Gotland Update

Sorry for the delay. I have had trouble finding wireless service. Now that I have found the spot I will try to hook up a little quicker.

We had a great ride across the Baltic Sea and arrived in Gotland with no issues. The ride was comfortable and the view on Gotland was very impressive.

A double decker bus arrived to pick us up at the ferry and took us to the bike shop. Almost all travel on Gotland is by bike. Their are cars but bike is the major mode of transportation.

We then had about a 2 mile ride to an old military base where we are housed in what was previously officer barracks. Not to bad for accomodations. We have showers ,etc and the tournament is feeding us.
Once we settled in we rode back down to the walled city and toured. The walled city is over 1000 years old. Gotland for those literaries is the home of Pippy Long Stockings. So her image is everywhere.

We played our last friendly today and came out a little too confident and gave up a goal after a few mistakes and trailed 1-0. We then scored 2 goals to take a lead into the half. We were playing only 25 minutes halves which doesnt play to our conditioning. We took another 15 shots on goal in the 2nd half but only managed 1 more additional score. I apologize for the not having the team name at the time of this blog. The team we played took this game very seriously. Traditionally their team colors are green but they took this as an international match and showed up in the Swedish home jerseys marching in with a banner singing a Swedish chant.

The score was much closer than the match but they played with a great deal of pride and intensity. I also worked the girls out quite a bit before the game and held practice right after the game as well.

We begin tournament play Thursday morning at 10 followed by a 3 o clock game. Jakob feels we will have our toughest match of pool play oru first game on Thursday. I will attempt to update the blogs promptly tomorrow.

Jay is attempting to update his web site and I will hook up with him Thursday for some game pictures as well



Anonymous said...

Can't say thanks enough for the updates!
PLEASE tell Jay how much we appreciate the pictures, they are so wonderful and allows us to share in this special time on a daily basis.

Dave said...

Yes, the updates are very much appreciated!!! Please tell Sara Dad says 'Hello' and hope she is enjoying the trip. Tell Vicky I've saved some laundry for her... :)

Best of luck in the tournament!!!