Three Peat State Champions, 2007, 2008, 2009

Friday, July 25, 2008

Sweden Arrival

Ok I finally found a wireless connection and will give a quick update.

We arrived in pretty good shape. Longgggg flight very little sleep. We sat on the runway at Newark for about 1 hour 15 minutes waiting on a storm to pass.

Once we arrived no issues getting through customs and the bus was waiting on us. Very picturesque ride. The castles you can see from the road were amazing.

We went directly to Jakob Nilsson's parents house for a light lunch. Again a very picturesque type setting. Just like you would see in a jigsaw puzzle.

We had our first and hopefully only incident after we arrived at the Pilsbo site. The girls got settled in unpacked and went down to the dock for a swim. There must have been at least 30 other people not with the team jumping in and swimming in that area.
Taylor Lee who was not the first to jump in landed on a rock and got a cut right on the arch of her foot. She ended up getting 8 stitches and is out for 14 days.
We will miss her on the field. I really felt for her, one of the only times I've seen her get emotional as the doctor told her it would be 14 days to get the stitches out and she could not play at all. She really wanted to play here.
I will need her help on the sidelines to keep everyone going and to help the other girls step up their play while she is out.

TW's ankle is loosening up but I am going to hold her out until at least Sunday.

We play our first match tonight at 7 pm I will send an update and hopefully a few snap shots right after the match while the girls are showering.

This morning we are touring one of the Castles that sits across from us on the lake. The girls are getting a very good cultural experience.

its 9 am here which is 7 hours ahead of back home.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update - this blog is awesome!

How is everyone adjusting to the lack of facilities.........

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Doug. Our prayers are with Tayler Lee. What a bummer.

I take it Emma survived her first flight.

Cory Ward said...

I feel so bad for Taylor Lee. I'm sure all the other girls feel her pain as well. We all wish we were there with you guys. Play hard and have fun!